Sep 2016
For the 2016 Annual Golf Outing, 100% of the proceeds benefit the Children’s Dyslexia Center Valley of Dayton. Dyslexia hinders many children from getting the education they need. Undiagnosed, it can affect adulthood. The Cassano’s Cares Foundation is hopeful it will be the best Annual Golf Outing to date!
Sep 2023

2023 Golf Outing (Hannah’s Treasure Chest)
Oct 2015

2015 AJ Hawk Meet & Greet Event (Breast Cancer Awareness)
Sep 2015

2015 Golf Outing (Spinal Muscular Atrophy)
More2015 Golf Outing (Spinal Muscular Atrophy)
The 2nd annual Golf Outing raised a total of $45,000 for the Spinal Muscular Atrophy OKI Chapter. Approximately 1 in 50 Americans are carriers of the disease that robs people of their physical strength by affecting motor nerve cells in the spinal cord. (more…)
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